Friday, September 3, 2010

Cold Steel Or Sog Tanto

I carry myself and all I was stuck on him.

this morning in the library there was a smell of coffee and bic pen. I said goodbye to the lame library and even the little woman who puts in place all the books. that if I remember where they are without getting lost, always put them back in place I eh. and she smiles and says he owes me a coffee. However, there are no machines. all the smell of coffee brings people from outside. the bar of the arcades. or the one behind the post but does the odd coffee. Light is light beige. so I think that yes, all bring with them all. without knowing it. before going out I took an old book with a cover that falls apart and the pages yellowed be handled with care. I opened it at random while I waited in line at prestitolibri and I read this: "Leo feels the presence of Thomas, not far from him, like a breath of tenderness in which they wish to be included as soon as possible. He wants to stroke his face and squeeze his arms. It has no words to say to him, because he feels that Thomas has already begun to know them. "

I carry myself and all I was stuck on him.



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