I always say! The media are anti-Italian incorrigible pessimists.
for weeks that make us see the Termini Imerese plant closed and workers protesting over the rooftops!
Sicily is well! The crisis is not a whisker (whisker of fact, the president is increasingly lush Lombardo).
The Sicilians are doing well, could not be otherwise. Otherwise why the island's public sector employees have salaries higher in Italy? An average of over € 42,000 annually. Lombardo then needed another twenty executives at € 150,000 a year, chauffeur service and service cannoli included.
During the crisis period and after the period of junta Cuffaro salaries in Sicily rose 38% despite the government had imposed the blockade of increases in remuneration in the public sector. What is this but a sign of prosperity and growth? So
Santoro company and ask to stop to show families that mourn for the lost work. These workers are unbearable! But in its great benevolence Lombardo will put ... uh ... will give a good cannoli in Sicily to all workers in layoffs.
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