Thursday, November 12, 2009

Piaggio Three Wheeler

Justice Reform, Prescription burning and more.

The opposition is never satisfied!
Schifani The award does not go well, even the Lodo Alfano. Now does not accept the short limitation. A sneaky that eventually will reduce the length of trials, the great Italian scourge. Jobs do not could last more than six years! And since no process is less in Italy, everything will be prescribed. So better not do it for nothing! To feel what a waste time? The magistrates will be able to form a dance troupe with those lovely red robes!

However, the PDL has a thousand ideas for reforming the justice and some good will while the opposition! Here are some new proposals in the PDL:

1) Lodo B-All persons who have a last name beginning with B can not be judged.
2) S Loso - All persons have the name that starts with S may be heard, but not convicted
3) The hot Prescription - The judges will judge on benches heated to a temperature of 185 degrees, you just lift up the offense will be barred.
4) Cirami a - If you suspect that the judge is not impartial judge Emilio Fede will be live on the network 4


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