A new Marrazzo has repented and has chosen the path of holiness. The former governor of the Lazio
writes the holy father who forgives his weaknesses and welcomes him into the house of the Father. Here's a preview
Marrazzo's letter to the Pope :
"Holy Father, I ask forgiveness. I'm lost and I was welcomed by those who thought they were angels. I learned from the Christian tradition that the angels are neither men nor women (or both, does the same). At first I did not believe, but when Natalie was naked I was shown the evidence. So I allowed myself with all thinking to myself closer to God the Holy Father I ask for forgiveness. I did not realize it was a temptation of the devil!
But now I am changed, I'm a new man. I knew what my way when I heard the clink of handcuffs and since I do not know where to hide in shame. "
"But to say that you did not?"