The Pentagon sees the internet in terms of a military adversary which is a vital threat to its established mission of global domination. This explains the confrontational language of the document speaks of "fighting the net", implying that internet is the equivalent of a "weapon of the enemy" .
The Defense Dept. places a high value of control ' information. The new program will show their determination to establish the parameters of freedom of speech.
The Pentagon considers the information essential for the manipulation of public perceptions and, therefore, considers it a crucial element to induce consent to the unpopular policies. The recent revelations about the military that have made propaganda in the foreign press, shows the importance given to co-opt public opinion.
The warfare is used to create an impenetrable cloud around the activities of government so that decisions are made without dissent. The smokescreen of lies that surrounds the Bush administration is not so much on political prevarication as a clearly articulated policy of obfuscation.
"The Information Operations Roadmap" is solely intended to subvert the principle of an informed citizenry . The enemy, of course, it's you, dear reader, or anyone who refuses to accept its role as a cog in the banal new world order. Confiscate internet is a prudent way to control every piece of information that one comes across from the cradle to the grave: of everything necessary for a police state governed .
's "Information Operations Roadmap (IOR) recommends that psychological operations (Psyops)" should consider a range of technologies to disseminate propaganda in enemy territory: remote-controlled aerial vehicles, "miniaturized diffusion voice to disperse on the territory ", wireless devices, mobile phones and the Internet. "
No idea is too expensive or too driven to escape from the serious consideration of leaders of the Pentagon.

The goal is to challenge any piece of information that appears on the web and that may counter the official version of the tale beneficial American intervention to promote democracy and human rights around the globe .
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