Saturday, July 31, 2010

How To Get Cat Hair Off A North Face

open his eyes.

breathe and hear everything. sweet laugh.

hang with me.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Type Of Mucus Before Period Comes On

ATT Calendar 2010 - 2011 (Backstage)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How To Clean Burn Marks Flat Irons

Hammock - Breathturn from David Altobelli on Vimeo .


Friday, July 23, 2010

Can Coeliacs Eat Yogurt?

plums *

at this time I feel all the smells. all very strong. more than usual.
a smell I remember another and another.
peaches books scented wind.
the bag of my grandmother's jam sheets of paper.
the heat on the skin rides the trains.
the lawn tablecloth grandfather.
cookies with figs seats of the old car the motorway services. Mother
the sofa fabric softener.
the silence skin hands.
I hear them all him.
I fall in love all over.

parapararararaparaparararara *

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Poem To My Best Friend

do I open the windows and space.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How Much Should A Database Cost


Dear friend,

center-elected as City Council, with the local elections in 2006, we are in the final phase of our mandate.

The current City Council in fact run out his term in late spring of 2011, a period in which there will be elections for the renewal of the new administration.

In view of this deadline, we consider it necessary and useful, both to account for the activity in recent years, is to provide our expertise to make a contribution to those who want to engage with the forces left of center, for the renewal of the new City Council from 2011 to administer Latisana future five years.

to address these issues, we promote a meeting to be held in Latisana

Monday, July 12, 2010, at 21:00, at Palazzo Molin Vianello.

Waiting to be able to meet take this opportunity to send our best wishes.

local councilors

Ippolito Di Martino / Ernesto De Marchi / Joseph Sciuto / Lino Ceciliot / Ugo Rassatti

Poptropica Private Server

Latisana I would

E 'born on the container of information and ideas Citizens of Latisana, Gorgo, Swamp, Sabbionera, Crosare, Latisanotta, Pertegada, Aprilia and Bevazzana, for an area that wants to live.

What did you want local administrators to Latisana waking state of drowsiness and again?
Search Facebook group "I want Latisana " and participates actively in the life of your country.

Things can change!